Seeds of Metro
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2018-12-18

Metro Empty Metro

Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:37 pm

#1 - Anon373421 - 4/26/80 12:45
in case anyone hadn't heard, some wicked shiz went down on east 42-2 the other day. high profile siner bust went south for makish ent., and when the dust settled there was a cleaner dead on the streets. A CLEANER.

#2 - CaRiSh - 4/26/80 12:51
Anyone know which one? Ten bucks says it was the guy in the coat. Dude skeevs me out.

#3 - Salish - 4/26/80 12:53
In ten years, no one's killed a Cleaner. I 100%, absolutely, definitively do not believe this. Pics or it didn't happen.

#4 - Anon373421 - 4/26/80 13:01
here ya go. [picroll.img/album/1462731]

#5 - Anon121290 - 4/26/80 13:05
Yeah, and here's that same street an hour later. Went out because I heard the WHAAAAAAA of the banshee-fire and figured it was safe enough. Not a damn thing there except a busted up truck. For all we know, that bunch of chunks in those pictures is some BS art project. Pics cause it happened. [picroll.img/album/1462736]

#6 - Anon28973 - 4/26/80 13:10
Was there when the shots went down. Armored truck comes by, Bansh pulls the screamer, truck goes boom. Some paramedic goes in to check on things and this chick comes out and walks off. Then the Cleaner shows. Some wolf head chick. Jumped down from a building or something, all hero like except we know better. Lands on the truck and bam, not even a second goes by and the banshee goes off again. Fine. Pink. Mist. Almost painted my girlfriend. That Cleaner went splat, no doubt about it. Hundred people can back me up on this if you can track down people who are willing to talk.

#7 - BanshFan53 - 4/26/80 13:21
Can confirm above. No pics though. I don't wanna die. Miss Loud-And-Proud the Banshee has the first official Cleaner kill, I'm calling it. Good God, what is she firing? There was almost nothing left.

#8 - Creyaz - 4/26/80 13:28
Just no one tell that prick Renat over in the political sections. He'll go off the damned walls over this.

#9 - Simvara - 4/26/80 13:34
Welp, Banshee's prolly deaders. You don't kill a Cleaner and get away with it.

#10 - Krimkay - 4/26/80 13:38
Have to find her first.

#11 - Raeanaea - 4/26/80 13:40
Not hard. Just listen for the scream. WHAAAAAAAAAAAA! Splat!

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Posts : 32
Join date : 2018-12-18

Metro Empty Re: Metro

Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:31 am

#1 - Tithan - 5/2/80 20:09
so, can we just take a damn second and talk about how this city is going to shit thanks to the jackers? i haven't left the house in three days because theyre literally gunning people down in the streets.

#2 - Anon376289 - 5/3/80 20:14
Anyone know what's actually giong on? All I've heard on my news feeds is that there's been like eight shootings around Metro and there's a frigging war going on in the factory district.

#3 - jackersnaxxer - 5/3/80 20:17
City's ours. Stay inside or die.

#4 - RemaRin - 5/3/80 20:20
Shut up snaxxer, or I'll have your fingers removed. Everyone just needs to stay out of the factory district until things blow over. You've all lived in this city, you know the rules. Don't talk to strangers, don't flip off random people, don't carry a gun in public. All of those things are liable to get you killed right now. The Jackers want gang blood, not civilians, but if you piss one off, well, some of us are volatile right now.

#5 - Kalcan - 5/3/80 20:35
You know what, Rema? Fuck off. You're part of the problem. Gang blood? Your goons gunned down three fucking civilians last night. News crews haven't even made it into the factory district because they're all fucking afraid of being shot so we don't know how many people are dead in there. My brother's managed to hold a job in a factory for the last five years and now I haven't even heard from him today. He's not a gang member, he's just a random guy!

#6 - RemaRin - 5/3/80 20:45
I am the only fucking one trying to fix this shit! Don't come to me and bitch about how I'm part of the problem when my entire schtick in this town is trying to keep this shit from happening! I don't even get goons. I get .feed followers. None of whom are doing a goddamned thing to help. You want to bitch about people being part of the problem? Those three civilians pulled knives on two Jackers after I had already told people to think before pulling something stupid. I knew two of those guys from my .feed. And they still went and did something idiotic. No. One. Is. Doing. Anything. To. Help.

#7 - Kalcan - 5/3/80 21:01
Maybe you shoudl rein your fucking guys in, then.

#8 - RemaRin - 5/3/80 21:05
Listening's not your strong suit. They. Aren't. Mine. I'm making waves, here. Putting my neck out there to try and get them all to chill their fucking asses . Is it going to work? Nope. But I'm gonna fuckin' try because that's what I do. Until this hell blows over, JUST STAY INSIDE.

#9 - Zin - 5/3/80 21:12
I have to admit, Madam Rin, I find it adorable how you attempt to hold this city together when it's falling apart. Like a child trying to sew their stuffed bear back together and only managing to prick themselves. Embrace what we've become and take the city as I hand it to you.

#10 - RemaRin - 5/3/80 21:15
I don't want the fucking city, Zin. I want us all to survive till next week. I'm signing off for the night.

#11 - Zin - 5/3/80 21:17
Enjoy your rest, Madam Rin.

#12 - Kramella - 5/3/80 21:20
So, wait a second. Now Zin's here?! Isn't he the Matrices guy?

#13 - Zin - 5/3/80 21:22
I am indeed the "Matrices guy", to put it humbly. For all who don't know, the Matrices have officially allied with the Jackers. They now have our full support. The city will soon belong to us.

#14 - Merbell - 5/3/80 21:25
Well, shit.

#15 - Anon45124 - 5/3/80 21:30

#16 - KimKalKer - 5/3/80 21:33

#17 - Anon7856 - 5/3/80 21:37
This is assuming that the Cleaners don't get to the Matrices and the Jackers first. I'm getting some Grounders vibes here. We all remember what happened to them.

#18 - BanshFan53 - 5/3/80 21:40
Maybe the Banshee will kill another one, then.

#19 - Aziferil - 5/3/80 21:49
Yeah, well, if the Cleaners do come in, I just hope there's anything left of... well, anyone, at that point.

#20 - Prushak - 5/3/80 21:56
Left of the Jackers and Matrices? Or of the rest of the city? Cause we all know there won't be anything left of those poor fools. Grounders vibes is right.

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